Pixelating the spectrum: Vocabulary, as measures of relationships.

Finite is perceived of the full spectrum. Oblivious to the rest, a narrow bandwidth in a sea of noise we sail.

With few vocabularies to describe, the perceivable spectrum is further constrained. A blue, a green, a red…

But a joy, an excitation is to perceive. Filled and full occupations, one’s senses. Yet, better still a shared perception with another. An exchange of words, feelings touched, perhaps a discovery ushered.

Shared anatomy in physique and likewise of the psyche, enriching one another despite constrained in words.

Learned words, learnt through repeated interactions. Senses of values and worth derived in exchange, contents of relationships become. A set of vocabularies built.

Keeping to the words used by the company we keep. Measured by these words are the relationships and interactions in keeping.

A well placed word can bring the full luminous spectrum forward. While a stagnant set of vocabulary can cast one as a Kupamanduka, a frog in the well.

At times, loss of vocabulary deprives the colors of interaction. Yet too many words, pixelate. What vocabulary to treasure, and which words to say?

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Homeology and Homeorrhesis

Excerpts from Human Condition On A Plate

… let’s first distinguish ourselves as mammals, by taking the subject of Homoiothermy and homeorrhesis to mind. These are measures which distinguishes us from cold blooded animal, a theorem on the social characteristic of mammals, and our

dependence on our environment; here’s homoiothermy as described by Michel Serres’ in his essay titled the ‘origin of language’:

“Homoiothermy is a singular example of homeorrhesis. In a certain sense, the poikilothermal, or cold-blooded, organism is better adapted to the environment. The homoiothermal organism, or more recent date in the history of evolution, is more fragile. It is probably condemned to a niche adjusted for relatively stable temperature intervals.

In fact, it produces them as often as possible. Bees had already discovered this process for their hives. Hence the homothermal organism is much more dependent than other species on the environment, on its own species, and on the Other or Others. This is especially true when its offspring – and this is the case for a human infant – has not received at birth a perfect set of homoiothermal equipment.

The homoiothermal organism generates the need for communication. It is, in energy or thermal needs, analogous to what will be common speech, in terms of signals and information. I imagine that one of the first forms of behavior, like one of the first signals, may be reduced to this: “keep me warm”.

The homoiothermal organism initiates touch and contact, erotic communication, and language.

It is a homeology.”

Michel Serres’ in his essay titled the ‘origin of language’ p.76

“The word “homeorrhesis” is from the Greek words homos meaning “same,” and rhysis, meaning “flow.” Serres replaces the normal term describing the equilibrium of a self-regulating system “homeostasis,” by “homeorrhesis” in order to emphasize the idea of continual movement and exchange as opposed to the less dynamic idea of stasis. – Ed.“ p. 74

(Quoted from p.74,76, M. Serres’, ‘Hermes ‘; 1982, edited by J V. Harari and D. F. Bell, Johns Hopkins University Press.)

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Regenerative Gardening?

“The term is derived from the verb ‘regenerate’, which has a number of connotations in the Macquarie Dictionary:

‘to effect a complete moral reform in’;

‘to re-create, reconstitute, or make over, especially in a better form or condition’;

‘to generate or produce anew; bring into existence again‘.

Regenerative agriculture therefore implies more than just sustaining something, but rather an active rebuilding or regeneration of existing system towards full health. It also implies an open-ended process: of ongoing improvement and positive transformation. This can encompass the rebuilding or regeneration of soil itself, and of biodiversity more widely, the reduction of toxins and pollutants, the recharging of aquifers, the production of healthier food, clean water and air, the replacement of external inputs, and the enhancement of social capital and ecological knowledge”

Charles MassyCall of the Reed Warbler,
Chapter 2: Emergence of the Mechanical Mind (2017)

Agriculture: noun. from Latin agricultura, from ager, agr- ‘field’ + cultural ‘growing, cultivation’.

Brings about idea of Aristotle’s Hexis as ‘excellence through arrangement’, and Martine Heidegger’s Poiesis as ‘bringing-forth’.

That health is brought about by the ‘open-ended process of ongoing improvement and positive reconstitution. If Dr Massy’s work and approach toward regenerative agriculture could be used as a analogy for self cultivation, I think Nietzsche would approve.

“Woe to the thinker who is not the gardener but only the soil of the plants that grow in him”

Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak – Thoughts on the Prejudice of Morality (1881)

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Dear Artist

Improvise your beauty, from life’s wisdom.

Syncopate your melody, to the scent of the divine.

Worship with soaring notes, the Holy Spirit.

Elevate your rapture, to the metaphors nature provides.

Avoid the boxes of slim definitions, ego and fear.

Educate, ennoble and enchant with, divine beauty, so hard to explain, yet easy to recognize when, expressed and given as a gift.

Experiment in meditation, paint the everyday, into a rose.

Pluck thorns of inertia, from the vocabulary of your being.

Imagine virtue as a brush.

Be more than your body, more than your bones, more than your voice.

Now, can you hear the muse, sing within you?

June Perkins – Illuminations, 19 Poems and 1 Story


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Lost of connection and bad reception

(excerpt 20.01.18)

“Connections… Connections to past, to future, others, the self. To him , to her, to happiness, to sorrow. Courage, fear … love. To nature, to nurture, to science, to faith… The relationships we forge and the relationships we share… the relationships we keep…

Heart (Katie O’Harra 01.10.11)

“In weeks passed in this new year, I’ve found the question of relationships and connections called into question. Initially prompted by an internal ‘stir’ coming into the new year, an agitation, a dodgy signal… Then added the constant preoccupation in emotional turmoil in dealing with she, finds me further and further drown into menial demands of the human affairs. Disconnected, and relationship lost to one, and the connection and relationship gained to the other…. I wonder over the emotional relationship I find myself repetitively having to wrestle with… not knowing how to invest myself in dealing with the situation. I’m finding myself becoming becoming less and less forgiving, growing more intolerant to emotional outburst, the fears and discontent. I wonder if it’s me for not being patient enough, not having the generosity and wisdom for the situation. The sense of obligation wax and wane, the pride of self, and sense of self importance too overpowering to give allowances for another’s shortfall… is my expectations unreasonable… The problems I keep having with is the mismatch of our mental spheres and capacity of heart… I really have to evaluate my sentiments and see whether they’re as valuable to me as I’m making them to be now?”

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Desire in a vacuum insatiable an appetite to satisfy

Untitled 2013

(excerpt 22.02.17)

“Just as murky water inhibits our visibility of it’s contents, or fog forbids us from making ease of passage by sight, it is the necessity of having and perceiving emptiness or space before us. With wide open spaces do we find desire to roam, meadows, fields, grass lands. Compare forests dense and dark, the spirit become timid and the minds inhibits… taste narrowed and crowded… So question, how to incur and sustain an appetite, a space, a void to fill? Indeed what is the ideal appetite to have? Consume.

Hunger, hunger for power, status, possession, sensual gratification? For food, for love, for friendship, or God’s good grace. On demand.

Desire, to be desired, lust, thirst, redemption, revenge, for blood, country, home, justice. Trending.

Something sweet, refreshing, novel, new… controversy? Mercy, grace… the practice of saints and yogis, fasting. So pious. The austerity, and determination against all else, monks and pilgrims, devotees? Followers.

Want of merit and virtue, against pains. Of the hunger and desire to fulfill, to reach and obtain. Content.

“Contemplate over appetite, how from the beginnings, in want of ‘that’ to wander upon, and ‘this’ to yearn in desire for. To admire and want of possession and gloat. For some time sick in spirit and puerile of mind, the cravings for life was lost. The needs of others, adopt as my own. Shared.

To their needs I gave, giving generously…not in a meaningful way, merely to gain that momentary feeling of being validated, a feeling of being wanted, of being desirable. Liked.

Untitled 27.02.15

To hunger, to hunger for others, to make others hunger… Thirsty.

To feed, to feed others, to make others feed me… Notification.

In vain desire of wanting other’s appetite, attempt to make sense of this particular fault in inclination for heart. That I should be so delicious. Influence.

“The other side of the spectrum, try to imagine…that an appetite could be a possible state of excellence. Insatiable appetite or desire held for the magnificence, and triumphant to cure, spread joy, and illuminate in darkness. Upload.

Quest for the hero’s boon, an appetite. The drive, and thirst that carries past the threshold, and undeterred by obstacles. Swiped.

Powered by Emptiness, Vacuum … Void? Subscribe. “

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– Bumble philosophical arousal – Anamnesis hypogeusia

Untitled 19.01.12

(Chat Excepts match #11)

Sweet and sour Mnesis

“I feel you’re more attuned and familiar with the metaphysical then you’ve come to recognise. Or just have not had the opportunity to discuss it in this context. But your description is just as how I would have described it. Expanding the subject, I would have mentioned the role of memory and how we’re hardwired for connections also. But rather than saying ‘becoming’ memory in our heart, I’d suggest viewing the memory as being there already. A memory we’re born with, but perhaps forgotten. Like how at birth we’re already ‘hardwire’ for certain tastes i.e. sweet, bitter, savoury etc. The ‘stronger connections’ you mentioned may just be one that is sweeter to the heart. I also like to think of music when contemplating the metaphysical. Being trained in the piano, perhaps you already know what I mean. What are those moments of complete absorption in music, at times moving us to tears in rapture or lifting us to ecstasy? It’s like an awakening of something within us, triggering, and firing our neurons.”

Edging me closer

“Think of the most beautiful piece of music you know of. Where does this music get its spellbinding effect? Is it the harmonic composition of notes in the score, the execution of the instruments, the frequencies of vibration in the air particles, the melody, the subject content of the music? What is the physical component
that could be measurement to equate the music’s ability to carries us, to at times, orgasmic and climatic state of being? Is it the body, mind or spirit that is responding? Or imagine what original process the composer would have gone through in bringing this music into being? What are the contents of the roost of sentiments the composer would have themselves first been incubating in before scribing the music as a physical score? But is the music the physical score? There is a suggestion that there is an innate internal reflection of beauty and grace in all of us, and it is our potential to tap into it that I am most interested in. Hence this fascination with art.”

In the updraft of the undertow

“Similar moments of rapture, liken to those found in listening to music, were also found in instances of i.e being in the presence of nature’s majesty, while painting, in prayer, meditation, witnessing the simple acts of compassion by others, looking upon a great piece of artwork, in deep moments of love for another, gaining some new revelation through contemplation, reading or observation. It’s as though I’ve tapped into an undercurrent in my memory and it moves me to recognise something of beauty or the divine. In ingesting all that is sweet to our being, we enhance our sense for the internal reflection of the sublime. But aside from merely observing the metaphysical, cultivation is the process of participation in the metaphysical…”

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– Bumble Philosophical arousal – An appetite for the right heightened touch in being

Fruity Klimt (30.08.15)

(Chat Excerpts match #11)

Connection Nutritionally Literal

“As to the matter of the self-cultivation, it’d be more ideal if we were able to converse in person. But if I could could summerise it in a word, I’d say it’s fundamentally about being connected. Connected to what I would describe as a eco-system of metaphysical content which is conducive to our health in being. The cultivation part consists of increasing our literacy of the contents and their function as it relates to our health in being. Say for example, just as how someone may come to learn and develop familiarity with the nutritional content of different foods, and combining that with the knowledge of our bodily function to implement a diet that is optimal for health. It is possible to learn something of the anatomy of the individuals mind, body and spirit and foster these components of our being with the most nutritious sustenance for the optimal potential health in being.”

I’ll show you my private myth if you’ll show me yours

“I think you’d recognise what these nutritious sustenance are already. i.e. sharing delightful moments with your loved ones, like eating Dragon fruit with your family while they’re in season, or exploring the rainforest while you’ve got your senses pleasantly heightened. But there is also the metaphysical component for the spirit, involving the subscription to certain set of mythology about our place and relationship to the cosmos, and our sense of identity with relation to time and space. Ultimately translating into the significance of our touch, our personal interaction with the world, and the actions we choose to give.”

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…how to relate idealised conceptions to daily activities and actions, somewhat at lost with myself…. the lost in certainty, the pursuit of eternal principles (Sophia) and truth as ends has led me down a rabbit hole. There seems yet so much to consider and contemplate… and I wonder whether in searching for an ideal being, I should grow old one day to find all the time used in picking and choosing I’d failed to take or live anything? Yet the dilemmas seems to have expanded rather than diminished, that I should find myself needing to take into consideration of not just how to think and perceive, but how I am to act, of what specific actions to take, which thus far I have failed to take into consideration. But perhaps, these had been the missing pieces I’d been looking for. That with all the grand fluff about the cosmos I could care to mention, would seem quite futile if I’m unable to link it to my own actions. With the appearance of a new field of Praxis to account for, my thought became disjointed, and pulled about, and wonder whether it was meant to be that I may come to sewn them back together, for a better tapestry. I just worry whether my thoughts should have decayed with these years set with doubts and hesitation… tossing about these general and metaphoric terms, how do I come to relate them to myself? 

Kerb Side Pickup Artist unknown 19.01.15
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– Bumble Philosophical arousal – A search for [mental] intercourse

(Chat Excerpts for match #11 and #14)

Could you love a Hylomorph

Hi <insert name>, silliness and stillness go hand in hand lol~ To improve my knowledge about metaphysics, I constantly remind myself to improve my literacy for the barriers that exist within my inner mind scape and the perception for the wider macrocosm. Not to lose myself too much to the narrow pursuit of my sense of identities. I think its in noting the daily challenges of balancing a functional living standard in society, while maintaining an optimal framework of our metaphysical eco-system. I suspect there is an anatomy to our being, and I’m trying to learn how to achieve hexis on a day to day basis? How bout you? What does spirituality mean to you, and why is it important?

Kerb Side Pickup #1 Artist Unknown19.01.15

Brain vs Heart vs Groin

“Sorry that was a typo, meant to say a late bloomer. I made a pointed decision about 6 years ago to use my heart more. My art mentor had said to me that ‘[I] was using too much up here (pointing to his head) and not enough down here (pointing to his heart)’. I was in the habit of intellectualising things, and not letting my heart decide. Long story short I’d made a point to indulge my heart, and be ‘recckless’ so to say. But no surprise there was much immaturity in my initial compulsion, not being able to distinguish the contents of my heart to what was going on in my groin. The 5 years spent with my ex was a process of maturing my emotional intelligence and learning about my capacity to love, and not just desire. The first two years was the most confronting but most revealing also.”

“What my mentor had told me about using my heart was less a matter of being myself, but a invitation for true expression. To allow sensitivity in my feelings, and a allowance for raw sentimentality, free of techniques and thought out sensibilities. I had not understood it at the time, but I came to realise it was something in the allowance of a child like wonder and mysticism for the world. Unrestrained enjoyment, and uninhibited possession in the moment. It wasn’t something I was familiar with, or just understood straight away. This was a lesson I needed to learn in living as well as for my art. That it may be possible to follow textbooks and reproduce an art work, but for a creation in bringing something in to being that was not before requires the capturing and embodiment of a living moment. I’m still in the process of mastering this, but i was finally able to gain a glimpse of it only years after he’d spoken to me about it. The refinement of our being cannot be defined, but can only be expressed.”

Kerb Side Pickup #2 Artist Unknown19.01.15

Tears of Oedipus

“As one who is in pursuit of self development, I’m sure you can appreciate the potential for people’s ability to free themselves from personality traits. I was initially a very withdrawn individual, that struggled to make meaningful connections with others. This stemmed from growing up in a dysfunctional family environment, I was separate from my mother at a very one age, and unknowingly didn’t recognised a deficiency in my ability to trust or be close to others. It was not that I was born an introvert, it was my up bringing that had left me disconnected.”

“When I say separated it more in emotional distance, but with added physical distance. Mother was pre-occupied with her business and she her self had been brought up distanced by her own family. She was an illegitimate child, and shunned by her own family. So I guess that made it difficult for her to know how to be close with us when we were small. Eventually me and my sister was sent to New Zealand with our father. So for much of my up brining I didn’t really get to know or spend time with my mother. But we’re solid now, I’d reached out to her I my mid 20’s with the intent if establishing a connection between us. Knowing that if I was to miss that link, it would ve difficult for me to function in life. This I’ve come to realise as I learnt more about developmental psychology in my Behavioural studies and self reflection. We’ve gotten to a point where we could discuss anything openly.”

Kerb Side Pickup #3 Artist Unknown19.01.15

A universal socket

“Now a days, if you meet me in a public setting you’d think me very much a e extrovert. But this only through my practice in interacting with people by being a bar tender, and having re-developed my ability to try and connect with people. But other wise I’m very happy to be by myself and get lost in my hobbies. Though I’ve come to learn for a ‘ideal’ state of being, a healthy does of interaction and intimancy with others is healthier. So I say neural plasticity only because I’ve experience the ‘need’ for transformation, and shift me from what some may call fixed character or personality types. I find the description you’d given about what an relationships means, aligned with what I feel is essential also. And if an relationships could fulfill what you’ve described it would truly endure.”

“The hardest part in my relationship with my ex is the notion of her only having know some 20% of who I was. As the allowance for my expression with her was confined by her intrenched notion of self insignificance. She’d under gone some pretty bad bullying when she was young. But the greatest pleasure in being with her was in seeing her week to week growth, in regaining agency over her own sense of identity and belonging. In a way I’m so very happy for her for leaving, as i recognised my own hand in her departure. It was as though when i found her, her wings were broken, but after encouraging and helping her find her own strength she was eventually strong enough to fly again. Where as three years prior she’d been in a dark little hole by her self, she is now popular with a circle of friends. So there was joy in the relationship, but I guess it all in me learning how to hold and nurture another in my heart despite my own preferences.”

“It just worked out that we’d wanted different things in our lives by the end of it. I was ready to settle down, but she was ready and wanting to explore new things with her new found wings… In the end I’m happy for her, and glade for the role I’d played in her life. But yeah that said, I still feel i have a lot to learn about relationships. The process has allowed me to understanding something of my own heart, and what I need to be fulfilled. So i guess we cant tell until we’ve given each other a go right?”

“So how bout it, when the lock down is over wanna assess out potential to be together by going on dates?”

Kerb Side Pickup #4 Artist Unknown19.01.15

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